There's a bit of a sale at the shop!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

YAY New Project!

The new yarn finally arrived from and its beautiful and so fine. I purchased 5 or 6 hanks of pink (#053) Filatura di Crosa Millefili Fine Yarn which is beautiful. It's easily the nicest yarn I've ever used. Its very fine and soft which will really work with this pattern. No itchy wool undies here! Now that all the positives out of the way, I'm having some problems with the pattern. The stitches are simple but the pattern is weird. It's probably my fault for not making a gauge swatch but I am using the recommended yarn so I thought I wouldn't have to...possible BIG mistake but I think I can fix it. The first thing I have to make is the bra band that should fit around my ribcage just below the bust. I followed the math provided to get the number of stitches I needed to cast-on. There is no way it's making it around me. I decided after a glass of wine and some deliberating with the boyfriend (who is in the dog-house by the way but that's for another rant) I decided to keep following the pattern. If I need to add some pieces in the back to make it fit around me then fine. If I have to unravel and start again who cares. Every mistake is a time to learn.

However, before I start making the panties I need to figure out the gauge of this yarn. I hope I don't need to find another set of needles. It was hard enough trying to find #2 24inch circular bamboo needles, I don't want to go another search. I guess the saving grace is that I would need bigger needles not smaller ones to fix my gauge problems. Oh my adventures in knitting...and I'm just begining.

Here are some shots of the yarn. Isn't it pretty. I think I like it because it's so simple and classic.

Hey maybe fixing this knitting mess will keep me from fighting with the boyfriend...nah...I can knit and yell!

I also picked up this book yesterday called "Zen and the Art of Knitting" by Bernadette Murphy it sounds very interesting and I can't wait to start. I find knitting to be so theraputic and relaxing. I think it would be lovely to hear someone else's take on knitting and its relaxing and zen like properties. I'll let you all know what I think when I'm done.

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