There's a bit of a sale at the shop!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fiber Project 2009!

Since learning how to crochet a couple weeks back I've wanted to learn how to actually make something other than a dishcloth. So I decided that my project for 2009 will to complete the Babette Blanket.  And after a couple hours before work, some instruction from Little Ms. Choo Choo and some major focus this evening I think I managed to make my first square!!! 

OK its a shitty picture but my camera died right after I took this and I'm so happy I wanted to show you all this!!! I know its a little square but I think I did it right and if I didn't I think its almost right. I'm going to try to bang out another one and see what happens. Maybe Little Miss Choo Choo can teach me how to "work over the tails" tomorrow so I don't have a million ends to weave-in.

How's Dad's sweater? Don't ask, it will get done. 

1 comment:

choo choo knits said...

Remember the book..."The Little Train that Could"...I knew you could, I knew you could :o)

Now, about your dad's sweater...just because the holidays are over, doesn't mean you can be "done" with the sweater even if it's not "done" :o) Hop to won't take long to fix