There's a bit of a sale at the shop!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm back!!

And exhausted. We got back Tuesday evening, unpacked and crashed. I've been too tired to even knit the last few nights and have been falling asleep on the couch by about 10pm at the latest. I want to tell you all about my trip and show you pictures but I've been too tired to think or upload pictures. Hopefully I will get them up this weekend and I can do a proper post for you all.

I did come home to a wonderful package from my Secret Pal (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) and will post pictures of all my goodies soon.

For now I will finally answer the two secret pal 12 weekly questions that I haven't answered yet.

1) As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?
I was always most excited about summer camp. I went to this little Methodist Bible camp called Camp Aldersgate. I know this probably sounds odd to those of you who know me...ME at bible camp? I know it's strange but it's true. It wasn't all praying and god we got in all kinds of trouble there. That's where I had my first real drunk experience, my first kiss, several boyfriends and my first cigarette. I used to have the time of my life there. My parents loathed taking me there because each "camp" was a week long and there was no hold over on the weekends so ever saturday my dad would pick me up and every sunday he'd bring me back. It was a 2.5 hour drive each way but I think they knew just how much I loved it there. I used to ride and camp and sing songs...oh I loved it! If only it had made me a bit more wholesome.

2) What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?
The perfect amount of stash would be enough so that I was happy and could just pick yarns for any project right from my basket and not have to leave my apartment. BUT it would have to be small enough (or well hidden enough) for Carl not to complain.

Ok I promise a proper post this weekend with vacation pictures and yarn purchases and secret pal gifts oh it will be fun!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, and you are welcome!


Sarah said...

I can't wait to be back and catch up. I'll be in NYC on Tuesday to move my stuff. ARGH... such a hassle this is turning into!

I'll let you know if I'm going to make it camping or not in the next few days...