There's a bit of a sale at the shop!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Newbie and Obsessed

So I probably started knitting 2 or 3 years ago after BEGGING my mother to teach me for year and years. So I did the prerequisite scarves and well more scarves and then I just got f-ing bored (plus I only have one neck so how many scarves does a person really need). So I didn't knit for about a year till my single, 42 year old, lawyer friend decided to make a trip to the sperm bank (literally) and have a baby. The pressure to knit something for the baby-to-be was on. So I found a baby afghan pattern and went for it. It might still be a rectangle but at least its not a scarf!! After many months of knitting and knitting and knitting this massive afghan (seriously how big does a baby blanket really have to be?) I finished (pictures to be posted shortly) and an obsessive knitter was born.

I didn't knit for a day or two after the blanket's completion and honestly I had no idea what to do with myself. I had pick a new project to start but the yarn hadn't come yet (actually I'm still waiting for yarn) and I just couldn't sit still. TV wasn't even the same. I hadn't watched TV without knitting needles in my hands for months and here I was trying to just sit and watch. IMPOSSIBLE! It was too much. I had some extra skeins of baby yarn lying around the house so I just started to make bootees. I have to make something and bootees it is!

At 23 I have found my obsession...

here is my next project...woo hoo SEXY!!

I can't wait to start...will that yarn just come already!!!!!

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