There's a bit of a sale at the shop!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Equus and Turkish Baths

Last night a couple girlfriends and I went to see Equus. I have to say it was phenominal and very intense. I thought the Daniel Radcliffe was amazing. Its the kind of play where the main characters are never really offstage and he never faltered. The naked scene was slightly awkward (I also think it might have been a little cold in the theatre) but once all the stripping was over and they got back to the action and talking I forgot all about the nudity. If you don't mind a slightly out there play with nudity that is VERY well written and acted go see it. 

So I'm having my morning coffee right now (don't worry the coffee is on the table and the computer is on my lap just in case I spill again) and I'm trying to prepare myself for the day. I'm off tomorrow so I can head to VA for a class with Stephanie Japel so I have a lot to get done at work before I can leave. But that's not what I'm preparing for. The other day Carl asked if I would go to this Turkish bath place with him tonight. I said sure because I'm a good girlfriend. I went on the site last night to see what treatments they have and I was shocked! Every description scared the crap out of me. I kept hearing this deep eastern european voice as a read descriptions like "we'll beat and pound out the stress" "we hit you with brooms" "if you want us to be gentle tell us" and various other things (yes there is actually a treatment where they whack you with some sort of broom). I'm sure they aren't as violent as they sound but the descriptions don't encourage me to find out! Hopefully, I make it out alive tonight.

I know I haven't talked about my knitting very much this week but I really haven't done much. I still have a mitten to finish and I'm working on both my shawls. I've also been really into my spindle at the moment. Tonight I have to start winding all my yarn for class and knitting up a guage swatch. Of course that all depends on how bruised and beaten I am after this whole Turkish bath thing.

Off to work, have a good Thursday.


choo choo knits said...

I have a mental image of some foreign male trying to beat you with a broom and you telling "ouch, stop it!" ripping it out of his hands and chasing him around the therapy table trying to wack him

You'll need the weekend of relaxation when tonight is through (good thing you have tomorrow off!!!)

** I can't keep of luck...really...better you than me **

Anonymous said...

I went and saw Equus last weekend and loved it. Would see it again in a heartbeat.

The Turkish bath sounds, um, interesting. :)

Knitting Up A Storm said...

slightly cold in there....ha ha. funny!