Friday, December 28, 2007
Hello from Brazil
Hopefully the world won`t go to pot now that Bhutto has been assasinated.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Party Pics!

I told you it was crazy!
And for those who are interested in my knitting life...
This is the Blue Sky Alpaca Cotton I bought for the Flair Jacket in Pickle
And these are the buttons I bought. I like the brown and teal ones the most I think but I'm still torn. What do you think? The brown/teal looks more funky the ambers look more traditional...
And I found this awesome ring and I just couldn't help myself!
Oh and one Anniversary Sock is down one more to go! I listen to two books completing this sock. Ruddy Gore by Kerry Greenwood and Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn! Great little mysteries!
And apparently after a long day of shopping in the rain I felt the need to do a little still life photography...I call it "Knitting" (original huh?)
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Craziness
Any in all this madness I did manage to finish one of my Anniversary socks and I like it! Sunday my mom and I braved the weather (god was it awful, cold and rain and slush YUCK) and went to Purl and Knit NY to find Moving Mud Buttons. I love this company. I found them when I was at Rhinebeck. I'm getting closer to starting my Knit and Tonic Flair Jacket and I wanted to find buttons from Moving Mud. The only stores that carry them are Purl and Knit NY. I love love love the ones I got. I have two to choose from. I like both of the color combinations but I think I will have to wait till I'm working on the jacket to know which set it will want. I forgot how expensive these buttons are. Even the lady at Purl was shocked when she saw the total. It will be worth it though.
I started the second sock on Sunday night and I think I stand a chance of finishing the pair in a week or so. If things start to quiet down.
I'm starting to compile all the projects I want to take with me to Brazil. I have one more week...then sun.
Its time to sleep. I promise to post picture tomorrow. The battery died and I'm tired. Thank you for listening to me ramble.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Original post:
Ysolda had this great idea on her blog about sending Christmas cards to her readers and I thought “Hey, I can do that too!” so if you’d like to participate please send your address to I will 1) send you a wonderful, non religious Christmas card (unless you want a more traditional religious card because I’m down with that too) and 2) NEVER EVER EVER let anyone else see your address because well that’s just not safe or nice (got to keep the good Karma flowing). I hope you all have fun with this. I’m starting to get very excited about the whole holiday season!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Blog Reading Level?

Get a Cash Advance
How do they even come up with this?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Good Day

I'm almost done with my Anniversary Socks!

Now I just need the weekend to come, I'm exhausted.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Quite a weekend...

Our stairs of death. House guests beware!
Sunday, with a functioning ipod and uploaded audiobooks I crawled my bruised and battered self onto the couch and resumed my work on Nancy Bush's Anniversary Socks from Interweaves 25 Favorite socks. I listened to "Ruddy Gore" by Kerry Greenwood while I worked. She writes this great detective series with this character Phryne Fisher. She's an awesome female protagonist. Anyway...I managed to turn the heel and complete the instep decreases by the time for BGF came over for dinner with Carl and I. (He just found out today that he doesn't have testicular cancer or a cyst and I"m sooooo soooo happy about the news. I've been worried sick). I decided to take a break at noon and check out Annie's Co. Knitting store on Madison and 93rd since I learned on Saturday that when I stay in all day I hurt myself. I really liked it. The people were very nice, they had a wonderful selection (I picked up the Blue Sky Alpace Cotten yarn I need to make the Flair Jacket in pickle but don't tell Carl I promised him I wouldn't buy anymore yarn for a bit) the whole store was just pleasant. I am going to have to go back there again.
I had a little problem with lace pattern in some areas by all in all they look great. I just wish I had used a different yarn. I think the stripes take away from the lace.

They're not perfect but I'm proud of them all the same.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I might kill Apple
It’s like it has a mind of its own. Has anyone else had this problem? How do you fix it? I’m so close to just buying a discman and using that…seriously!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Project Runway Rant...I know it has nothing to do with knitting but I just need to work through my thoughts

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by lori/'>">Lori Fury
So anyway, I just want to rant a little about Project Runway. I'm a little annoyed with this season. For some reason this season isn't grabbing me like past seasons have. I don't know if its the contestants or the challenges but I'm not hooked yet. I'm giving it time but it is a little sad. I so want to be hooked. I want to be as excited and involved as I have been in the past. Maybe it will happen over time. Maybe I just need to get to know these people a little better. I do think though that the challenges are a little over the top this season. It almost like they are trying too hard to make them challenging and interesting. But I must stop myself. I love PR and I cannot bad mouth it anymore. In time I think I will learn to love (and hate) these contestants as much as I have those from past seasons. Next week there is crying so hopefully the fun will really start.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Anna's got another contest and I have another pair of socks on the needles....I see a trend
And of course I chose to cast on another pair of socks. This time the Anniversary Socks from Interweave’s 25 Favorite Socks. Its time to spice up my sock knitting with more challenging patterns! Its already harder than the last two. I had to ripe out the 4th rnd a couple times before I got it right. But I’m up for the challenge. I can do this!
Me: yup I'm obsessed with socks
BGF: why?
Me: why am I obsessed? well they're small so I can work on them anywhere
I can finish them relatively quickly so I get almost instant gratification and
there are so many patterns! So I can try all different techniques but on a
smaller scale so if I fuck up and have to rip back I don’t want to cry like
I would if I was making a sweater
BGF: it's like knitting masturbation
Me: yah I guess it is like knitting masturbation
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Ah that was a nice break
What I really wanted to tell you all about was our experience on Saturday night. We had a surprise party for a friend at this place called Rasputin in Brooklyn. Its this Russian cabaret night club thing. It was insane and cheesy and awful in just the right combination to make it totally fun. We're never going (or at least not Carl and I) but it was fun. There was tons of food and vodka. And there were showgirls. Not good showgirls but showgirls nonetheless. I took a little video clip so you all could experience the cheese that is Rasputin.
Happy knitting!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Contest...not mine but still
I don't know. But based on how I spend when I have some extra cash put away
for a "knitting-spree" I think I would buy whatever caught my eye or sense of
touch. I don't think I could be "practical" with my purchases. I'd probably walk
around the store or fair (i'd like to be a fair if I had a choice) and just feel
and see everything I could. I just buy whatever called me to it. I love color
and soft textures. I like to feel like I'm melting into the fiber. So anything
that makes me feel like that I'd buy. Sometimes you just know you and a couple
of hanks are meant to be. And well a cool knitting bag. I have a problem with
knitting bags.
Yup that's what I'd do.
The contest runs till Friday (TONIGHT) at 7pm.
Good luck!
And I’m officially done posting for the month. I need a break…hopefully when I get back online you will have a new pair of socks to ogle. I’m becoming WAY too obsessed with sock knitting.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tampon art and Socks
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmas is Coming!
Things to ponder...
Then I am a knitting machine!
Monday, November 26, 2007
New Obsession
Ok now back to my cocktail...I really earned it tonight!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Whoa we're halfway there...

I also bought Knitting America: A Glorious Heritage from Warm Socks to High Art by Susan M. Strawn today. I have been fingering this book in the bookstore for months and I finally just broke down and bought it. Its really interesting. I'm fascinated by the history of knitting and this will hopefully be the first of many books on this subject. The pictures are wonderful. I'm trying to be good and not peak ahead but I can't help myself.
I also found these wristlets I made years ago when we were cleaning out the little storage loft we have. I think they were made with that moonlit mohair Lion Brand yarn but I can't remember. They're those really simple wristlets you make from a rectangle you just stitch up the side and leave a thumb opening. I forgot how warm these things are and how fun!
We also picked up a few books on Brazil. We are going away with Carl's family for Christmas/New Years. They have rented a huge house on the North coast and we're going to try and get some scuba diving in if we can. I can't wait.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving #3
Friday, November 23, 2007
I know my first published designer!
Now everyone go out and make this sweater for the man in you life.
Thanksgiving Recap

Yesterday we I picked up my brother at the train station and we headed to CT to see my dad and step mom. We had a great time. Lots of wine and family and food. It was perfect. I somehow got my older brother to be DD so I could partake in the thanksgiving festivities (OK I'll just say it now, there side of the family drinks a lot but its fun!). The food was great. I learned that my dad doesn't know how to carve a turkey. He can butcher it though! But really who cares how you cut it as long as the food makes it on your plate. There was a little incident with the gizzards...I guess there were two packs in the bird and my step mom only removed one. My father affectionately named it the Turkey Tampon after it came flying out of the bird and onto the floor. It was funny.

All in all we had a great Thanksgiving and I managed to make some progress on the ankle socks. Of course I've been knitting so much lately my wrist is killing again. Time for my little craft wrist brace thingies.

I hope you all had a wonderful day!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Home Sick
2) I think the medicine was way too strong for me because I woke up feeling drunk, shaking and wanting to vomit.
3) I'm home...and I'm not leaving till I feel better. I'm not sure how much progress I will make on the socks but we'll see.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sick Again...

Eh I guess I can always frog it if its awful....
Monday, November 19, 2007
I have a case of the Mondays
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I love Saturdays

Friday, November 16, 2007
I also received my order from Knit Picks today so I’m really excited to play with all the interchangeable needles. And hopefully when the new sock yarn gets here I can cast on for a new pair of socks in magic loop…maybe even toe up! Damn I’m feeling adventurous today!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Living should be perpetual and universal benediction. - Why Lazurus Laughed by Wei Wu Wei
OririDraco posted this question on as a “Blogger Challenge” so I’m going to take it since I too hate to ramble in every post. So I’m accepting the challenge.
Describe a crafting-related moment of Zen? It seems like a simple question but for me I don’t think it is very straight forward. I don’t think I have ever experienced one clear cut moment of Zen while knitting but I think over all it has brought a more Zen like quality to my life.
When I’m knitting I sit and focus on my hands and what they are doing. It becomes meditative in a way. Knit 1 purl 1 knit 2 together…every pattern is a little mantra but instead of say om or reciting the Heart Sutra or pondering koans I just sit and be. Each stitch makes me a little calmer. And as time passes, my whole body relaxes and I guess it does become a Zen-like activity. I’m simultaneously connected and disconnected with my surroundings. It is probably as close as I will come to understanding the concept of emptiness without actively studying it or meditating on the idea.
Just as a tangent, the concept of emptiness is a great one. My final paper for Buddhism class in college was on this topic. It’s difficult to understand because your mind keeps going back and forth but I think that from this confusion you reach the “goal” of understanding (or not understanding). We are both self and non-self. I’ve always loved that idea.
Back to the main topic.
I haven’t learned anything from this but I have changed. It has been slow but I have gradually become a calmer person. I listen more whereas I used to talk talk talk. I am happier in the moment than I ever have been in the past. My brother and mother are always worrying about something, their health, current affairs, the neighbors, and I used to get sucked into their worry. Now I can separate from their worry, understand it and not let it affect me. I am finally happy just being (or not being).